The educational program of the Primary School has been enriched by a variety of activities and means in order to provide multifaceted education to our students.

  • 35 teaching hours a week.
  • English on a daily basis.
  • French, German or Spanish as a second foreign language.
  • Interdisciplinary research work.
  • Literary program named “Love of Reading” and lending library.
  • Certificate in Computer Science.
  • iPad and Digital Classrooms.
  • Complete series of original support guides and Digital user manuals.
  • Drama courses and theatre groups.
  • Choir.
  • Art.
  • Cultural, Environmental and Athletic activities and school excursions.
  • Volunteer work.
  • Athletic teams and swimming.

Curriculum Enrichment

  • Foreign Languages

    English is considered to be the first foreign language taught in our school. Lessons begin in kindergarten on a daily basis and finish in Lyceum. The aim is for students to receive the most advanced qualification in English (Level C2-Proficiency).Our experienced teachers and program guarantee learning the language without extra lessons at private institutes or tutoring and our students take part in the Cambridge and Michigan exams with extremely high success rates. In addition, there are bilingual classes in primary school.

    In the fifth year of Primary School students have the opportunity to learn a second foreign language choosing among French, German or Spanish whilst in the sixth year there is the option to take the exams for the first Certificate of language competency.

  • Drama

    The students take part in drama performances under the guidance of experienced teachers. The course enables children to express themselves giving vent to thoughts, feelings and concerns by means of role-play. At the same time, participation in well-organized performances strengthens students’ ability to function in a team in a coordinated way. Finally, acting in plays significantly boosts students’ confidence.

  • Music

    The course is adapted to the kinetic, conceptual, expression and communication skills of students that are subject to change depending on their age. Its goal is the holistic approach to music through an interdisciplinary way.

    The elements of music (sound, rhythm, melody, harmony) are taught and experienced in practice by using the body. Students are taught to recognize, distinguish, classify and finally use the sounds. Thus, teaching is transformed into a game and experimentation with sound and music. The exploration of the possibilities of voice and instruments as well as active listening and response to sounds with movement, drawing, abstract representation and improvisation are only some of the methods used.

  • Art

    The purpose of the art course is to teach the students visual arts, enrich their knowledge and understanding of the phenomena of art so they can appreciate and create art. Through modes of creative expression such as panting and arts and crafts and with a fervent desire to create:

    We aim for our students to:

    • Cultivate their creativity.
    • Use a variety of materials, means and tools.
    • Use Art as a means to approach cognitive themes.
    • Learn to practice different techniques and make use of their imagination artistically.

  • Sports

    The aim of sports activities is to develop balanced physical, mental and spiritual strengths of students.

    The aims of Physical Education Program are:

    • To learn the basic techniques of sports.

    • To develop rhythm and movement.

    • To preserve traditions through learning folk dances and traditional games.

    • To acquire physical wellness.

  • Projects

    Both research and experience have taught us that the best way for someone to learn is to be actively involved in the subject. For this reason, we assign our students projects (in a group or individual level) based on the subjects they are taught. For the most part, the completed projects are presented to classmates and parents, giving students the opportunity to cultivate their capacity for public speaking.

  • Digital Education

    Aiming at a learning of high standards, Kessaris School follows the educational model 1:1(one tablet for each one of the students) offering original educational material to every one of our students. The educational material has been created by the Department of Research and Technology of our school. Thanks to the iPad, the teacher can now choose the most appropriate means for his/her lesson and students and create his/her own educational material. Thus, we have the students’ complete attention on the lesson whilst the material is presented in a modern, lively and interesting way by means of the offered application.

    The use of the tablet has solved one of the greatest educational challenges faced by teachers, that is to keep the students’ attention on the lesson for its entire duration and to ensure their active participation. Now, the students have an active role in the lesson and the learning procedure has become entertaining.
    Students are encouraged to search for information and are invited to work individually or in groups in order to acquire the knowledge of a topic. The great number of applications available encourages creativity and arouses students’ imagination. Finally, the tablet provides the opportunity for self-evaluation and repetition of exercises giving the student the time needed to fully understand them.

  • Optional Activities

    After school, students can participate in activities of their choice avoiding after school transportation by parents to sports clubs, etc.